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Bachelor Students Interview

From Innsbruck to Indonesia: Sandra's story on Blending Academics and Adventure in Bali's Biodiversity Hotspot

"Studying tropical biology in Bali is truly special because nature and wildlife are right at your doorstep. You don’t have to travel far to experience the subjects you’re learning about in class. This immediate access to the natural environment made our practical sessions incredibly enriching." Sandra, Innsbruck University.

Sandra, a 19-year-old biology student from Austria, began a life-changing academic adventure in tropical Bali. Trading the familiar landscapes of Innsbruck for the vibrant biodiversity of Indonesia, she joined the Tropical Biology and Conservation program offered by the upskill Study program of Udayana university. During the semester, Sandra experienced the perfect blend of rigorous academics and the natural beauty of Bali, discovering firsthand the wonders of tropical flora and fauna. This is her story.

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First Impressions of Bali, Life as a Student and Most Memorable Moments

This was my first time in Bali, and I must say, it was an unforgettable experience. Bali is a beautiful small island with a lot of really kind people. The island's natural beauty is breathtaking, with lush greenery and vibrant wildlife surrounding you every day. From the moment I arrived, I felt a warm welcome from both the locals and my fellow classmates.

One of the things I enjoyed most about student life in Bali was the perfect balance between academics and leisure. Our lectures were held in the mornings at Udayana University, and right after, we had the freedom to explore the island. It was such a unique experience to finish a lecture and then head straight to the beach to relax and unwind.

Bali is one of the richest places in terms of biodiversity, making it an ideal location for me to study and deepen my knowledge on tropical biology and conservation topics. The semester program included several field trips, which complemented our theoretical lectures perfectly. We had the chance to observe and study the tropical flora and fauna up close, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of the ecosystem.

Studying tropical biology in Bali is truly special because nature and wildlife are right at your doorstep. You don’t have to travel far to experience the subjects you’re learning about in class. This immediate access to the natural environment made our practical sessions incredibly enriching.

One of my favorite experiences was the Samsara field trip. It was one of our first excursions with the Upskill team, and we were all so excited to finally get out into the field. The trip was not only educational but also a lot of fun, as we got to bond with our classmates and apply what we had learned in a real-world setting.

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After My Study in Bali, Shaping My Future

This program significantly influenced my future career plans. In Austria, we don’t have much focus on tropical or marine biology, so this experience opened up a completely new direction for me. The knowledge and skills I gained during this semester have broadened my horizons and provided me with a new perspective on my studies and future career path.

My semester in Bali with upskill Study was an incredible journey that I will always cherish. It was an enriching experience both academically and personally. If you’re considering a program in tropical biology and conservation, I highly recommend the Upskill program in Bali. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to study in one of the most biodiverse places in the world!

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Apply to the Tropical Biology and Conservation Program

If you're drawn to the field of tropical biology and conservation, you should consider the Upskill Study program at Udayana University in Bali. This course mixes classroom learning with hands-on experiences, giving you a chance to explore one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. The upskill bachelor semester program is open for applications all year for both summer semester begins generally in April and our bachelor winter semester program for the winter semester begins in August. Take part in the opportunity to expand your horizons and experience in Bali's amazing beauty and diversity first-hand.

By Billy Bagus

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