Study in Bali - Biology, Tourism, Sustainability |
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Bachelor Students Interview

Leonie's Inspiring Semester: Bali's Biodiversity Classroom & An Unforgettable Semester of Discovery

"The program was designed to immerse us in both academic and practical experiences, allowing us to leave a lecture and be at the ocean within minutes, ready to snorkel and see firsthand what we had just discussed in class." Leonie, University of Hamburg

As a biology student from Germany, Leonie, who had just completed her Bachelor's thesis, was ready to dive into Indonesia's tropical environment. What she found in Bali was far more than just an academic program—it was a vibrant mix of culture, stunning scenery, and a deeply immersive education within one of the world's most biodiverse regions. Now, as an alumna of Upskill Studies Bachelor Program, she's excited to share her unforgettable journey studying in Bali. Here's her story...

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Since I've studied biology and completed my Bachelor's thesis in Germany, it has always been my dream to pursue marine science for my master's degree. My semester abroad at Udayana University in Bali under the Upskill Studies program was a significant step in that direction.

Discovering Bali for the First Time, Udayana Unique Approach to Learning and After My Semester in Bali.

When I arrived, I was amazed by how welcoming everyone was, and I felt instantly at home. The introduction week gave me a chance to meet my fellow classmates and explore the island. I quickly fell in love with the ocean, the beaches, and the sense of adventure that seems to be a part of daily life in Bali.

The upskill study program at Udayana University was designed to immerse us in both academic and practical experiences. We had 15 weeks of lectures and field trips, giving us a comprehensive understanding of tropical biology and conservation. What I loved most about studying in Bali was the hands-on approach to learning. We could leave a lecture and be at the ocean within minutes, ready to snorkel and see firsthand what we had just discussed in class. The field trips were a fantastic way to apply the knowledge we gained from our professors and guest lecturers.

One of the reasons Bali is a great place to study tropical biology and conservation is its incredible biodiversity. Whether I was on campus, exploring the island, or just on my way back to my accommodation, I was surrounded by lush tropical nature. The ocean, in particular, was an endless source of inspiration. The diversity of marine life was astounding, and it was an ideal setting for someone like me, who dreams of a career in marine science.

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One of my favorite field trips was our visit to the Nusa Dua Reef Foundation. It was here that I truly understood the importance of coral reefs and the urgent need to protect them. We learned about the efforts to restore and conserve these ecosystems, and we even had the chance to snorkel over the coral reefs. It was a meaningful experience that reinforced my desire to work in marine conservation.

The experiences I had during my semester in Bali solidified my passion for marine science. I now know that I want to focus my career on working with marine animals and contributing to the conservation of our oceans. This program not only provided me with valuable knowledge and skills but also helped me find my path forward.

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Apply to the Tropical Biology and Conservation Program

Upskill Study's Tropical Biology and Conservation program at Udayana University combines engaging lectures with unforgettable field trips. Explore one of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems and gain hands-on experience. Applications are open year-round for both the summer semester (starting April) and winter semester (starting August). Don't miss this chance to expand your horizons and experience the magic of Bali firsthand. Contact our team and apply today!

By Billy Bagus

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